SAVE A LIFE | Liver donor needed!

SAVE A LIFE | Liver donor needed! - Barbells & Ponytails

Have you ever thought to yourself, "How can I make a positive difference in this world?". Many of us have had this same thought. It makes us feel good to give back, volunteer, or make charitable contributions.  

Can you imagine how it would feel to save someone's life?? To live out the rest of your life knowing that someone else is alive because of your actions? Most of us would give little thought and act instinctively to help a total stranger.

Well, here is your chance! One of our B&P family members desperately needs your help, and one little share of this post is all it might take.

 Tim is the husband of our shop merchandiser, Lori. Tim has been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, metastasizing to his liver. You can read his story about finding out about cancer here

 Tim has already undergone chemotherapy and colon resection, and the only remaining cancer is in his liver. So how can you possibly help? I'm glad you asked!

The only option outside chemo for life or clinical trials is to get a living donor. In a living-donor transplant, a portion of a donor's liver is removed and used to replace a patient's diseased liver. After surgery, the donor's liver regenerates back to full size, while the patient's new liver also grows to a normal size!

 We understand that undergoing surgery and giving a portion of your liver to a complete stranger is a HUGE ask. But we are desperate.

If you don't fit the requirements, you may know someone who does- so we urge you to share this post to help spread the word and increase our chances of finding a donor.

 There is no waiting list and no other option for Tim- please consider making the most meaningful donation of a lifetime!


 Blood Type: O(+ or -) Some type A may also be possible

Age: 18-60

Height: 5'10" - 6'3"

BMI: Have a healthy body mass index of 30 at the time of donation

Health: Be in general good health with no significant medical or psychiatric issues

We can't qualify anyone with a history of cancer, diabetes, heart, or kidney disease.

 If you qualify and would like more information, please call

UR Medicine/Strong Memorial Hospital

+1 (585) 275-5875 Monday-Friday 8-4:30 pm EST

 To read more about Tim's story, please visit


Learn about liver transplants HERE



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